Video Gallery

Watch videos about the Brevik CCS project.

Brevik CCS Heavy lift Desorber

Heavy lift Brevik CCS

Brevik CCS Heavy lift Desorber

Brevik CCS episode 6

Industry as a neighbour

Brevik CCS Episode 6 - Industry as a neighbour

Brevik CCS Episode 5

A man in a high-visibility jacket and hard hat stands in front of industrial machinery, with the name ‘Terje Aasland, Minister of Petroleum and Energy Norway’ displayed on a label.

Brevik CCS Episode 5

Brevik CCS Episode 4

Brevik CCS Episode 4

Episode 4 Brevik CCS

Episode 3 Brevik CCS

Demolition is over and construction starts

Episode 3 Brevik CCS

Episode 2 Brevik CCS

It's all about cooperation

Episode 2 Brevik CCS

It's all about cooperation

Episode 1 Brevik CCS

The Brevik factory

Episode 1 Brevik CCS : Look to Norcem

The start of the Project.

What If...

What if... (better text)

What if...

...we could turn one of the biggest CO2-emitting industries into a green and sustainable future?